Welcome to  "We Share Abundance"

 The quicker you take action, the sooner you will start seeing Results. so Act NOW!

Earn Your First Money Today... just by Signing Up.

  • Learn How to Earn $5 a Day Just for Logging In - ( Min $150 per month )
  • Plus Learn How to turn WESA into $1,500 - $3,500+ Monthly in 90 to 120 days


There is no shortage of Money, but shortage of people who do not have 3.5 minutes to watch a video like this one above, that can change their lives Financially forever. That is totally fine.


However, if you are someone who is interested in Building Generational Recurring Wealth that you can pass on to your love ones, then consider this your Invitation to Share in our Abundance.


Your Income Potential is limitless, and in the process of growing your income, you will also be generating Revenue for Charitable Works around the world to help alleviate world poverty, hunger, malnutrition, poor health, etc.


We would not promise you the Sun or the Moon. But we will give you so much that will leave you wondering what you actually did to merit it all. Plus, we will show you how to multiply the money we give you upon joining We Share Abundance into hundreds, or thousands of dollars Ongoing.


We will also introduce you to our Power Of One, which is the game Changer in building Massive and Residual Wealth with We Share Abundance. Join us today. Please, check the useful resources below as you move on, to help know exactly what to do.


Please, the system works only with Gmail. Hence use only gmail to signup. It might take a while before you receive the confirmation email, so exercise some patience and do check your spam folder as well.


Important: Just so you know, when you stake in the Pools within 48 hours after joining, you get $25 cash back credited to your US Dollar wallet.


Click Here...  to Create a FREE Account   

 Very Important:   Complete the following Three (3) Tasks to Get Paid

Task 1:  Verify Your Email Address

Task 2:  Completing Your Profile

Task 3:  Adding Your Wallet

VIDEO #1. How to Signup for We Share Abundance (WSA)

 Please, the system works only with Gmail. Hence use only gmail to signup. It might take a while before you receive the confirmation email, so exercise some patience and do check your spam folder as well.

VIDEO #2. How to Verify your Email Account after Joining WSA

I suggest you whitelist the address membership@weshareabundance.com and you can learn how to do that by clicking here.
If you can't see your verification email in inbox or spam then try searching for it as shown in the video here

VIDEO #3. How to Complete your Profile in WESA

In this video you'll learn How to Complete your Profile in WESA                   

VIDEO #4. How to Create and Add your WESA Wallet in WSA

Here are the steps in detail for you.....

  1.  Go to www.waves.exchange after reading all information about Waves and securing your account here.

  2.  Click "Get Started" top right

  3.  If you need help click icon bottom right for live text chat

  4.  Choose a password and verify

  5.  Agree privacy and terms and click continue

  6. Click create new account

  7. Copy and save account address

  8. Click continue and then add an account name - can be anything you like e.g my waves and click continue

  9. VERY IMPORTANT - click save my seed phrase (box appears top right) this is the only way you can restore a lost account - yoiu need this and should never give it to anyone for any reason. We will never ask for it and waves will never ask for it!

  10. Once you have it safe and saved (the exact spelling and order of the 15 words is essential) scroll down the page and you will see botton right a + sign. Click that +

  11. In the pop up at the top there is a search box, type in WESA and search

  12. Click in the check box for WESA that appears below the search and then click PIN. You now have WESA on your dashboard

  13. Click the down pointing arrow bottom right (when you hover over it it changes to receive) and a box will open with a string of numbers similar to this 3P3qPg81upkmywTPRZpgzdxeFp2vKFBokvC

  14. Copy that wallet address and paste it into the box in your WESA Wallet in your WSA Back Office.

VIDEO #5. Most Important: How to stake in the Pools! and Earn 50% Profits Monthly

In this video, you'll learn How to stake in the Pools! and Earn 50% Profits Monthly

How "We Share Abundance" Works

VIDEO #6. How to Make More Money from the Same Task in We Share Abundance

In this video, you'll learn how to put it all together and  Make More Money from the Same Task in We Share Abundance.

Learn How to Earn $5 a Day Just for Logging In - ( Min $150 per month )

VIDEO #7. The Power of One... in We Share Abundance

We will also introduce you to our Power Of One, which is the game Changer in building Massive and Residual Wealth with We Share Abundance. Join us today.

Learn How to turn WESA into $1,500 - $3,500+ Monthly 

in 90 to 120 days.

Your FREE Download & Bonus Links

Check out these links, Exclusively available to My subscribers:

Click the button below to download Awesome Software. Create  smart Interactive Videos that Explode Traffic, Leads & Sales IN MINUTES - a $36 value:

 FREE With Coupon Code: 100free

Check out our custom build tool for creating conversion boosting Landing Pages and Funnels - a $47 value

FREE With Coupon Code: 100free


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